Manage Prices Centrally and at Scale

Corrily helps you manage the prices of your products, services, or subscriptions from our dashboard’s Price Control Center. Centrally manage prices across all your payment gateways, subscription management providers, and data analytics platforms.

Centralize and scale management of your products and subscriptions across multiple platforms

Segment and Localize Prices

One-click localization: Automatically localize and adjust your prices in any currency, whether that be to the local currency of the country or a third currency
Easy roll out everywhere: Instantly push out localized prices to your pricing page, your sign-up flow, and your billing system

Monitor and Manage FX Rates

Protect international revenue: Hedge against macroeconomic conditions like inflation by monitoring foreign exchange fluctuations and proactively managing FX rates across currencies
Set and adjust FX rates: Manually set the FX rates for different currencies you charge in, or update the frequency of your FX settings based on your preferred level of automation

Dynamically Create User Audiences

Craft targeted user experiences: Manually build audiences and segment your users within the Corrily dashboard, and have the ability to specify unique prices, coupons, or discounts to specific users or audiences
Effortless user precision: Go further and use Corrily’s models to automatically create audiences based on your payment gateway or data analytics platforms

Roll Out and Transition User Prices in Bulk

Granular price control: Have granular control over how your price is displayed — following local price formats, applying any discounts or visual elements, or implementing any rounding or price-niceness strategy
Easy transition and roll-out: Easily transition specific cohorts of users between different prices and easily update and roll-out new prices
One-click updates: Update prices across all (or a subset) of your products, geographies, or users with one click

Scale your monetization strategies

Harness the power of machine learning

  • Pre-trained Corrily models that improve over time-based on your data and anonymized aggregated data across similar industries
  • Smart traffic allocation and data-efficient sampling algorithms that produce 30-40% faster results compared to traditional AB/n experiments
  • Automated AI insights and recommendations to keep track of monetization opportunities and grow your revenue

Ensure consistent visitor experience

  • Consistent experience throughout the user journey - from a visit to the pricing page to final checkout. Corrily prices, once assigned to a user, don't change unless you intend to
  • Limitless Segmentation: define relevant audiences for each experiment and allocate visitors exclusively for each test so that experiments don't overlap

Empower your teams with actionable data

  • Self-serve analytics that includes Statistical Significance and Confidence Bounds across all key metrics on the Corrily Dashboard
  • Ability to add custom metrics depending on your business needs
  • Visualize trade-offs involved to make informed decisions

Get hands-on support

  • Access to Corrily’s implementation & dev teams to help you design and set up experiments
  • Consultative support from Corrily's pricing experts and data scientists (some with decades of price consulting experience)
  • Shared Slack channel for immediate support